Centralized system that manages, in a single platform, electricity, water or gas supply in a condominium with housing, offices or shops, by preloading usable balance.

Advantages of Prepaid |
- Single system that integrates all existing counts in a building;
- Allows you to manage supplies and scores of consumption centrally;
- Possibility of remote cutting of the supply;
- Allows management of current accounts and reporting by Entity, Fraction and Contracted Service;
- Credit Notices available by SMS and E-Mail;
- Detailed report of consumption per fraction;
- Easier charging and consultation operations;
- Working with a wide range of counters and brands;
- Standardized communication protocols (ModBus, M-Bus, BacNet, etc.)

With the Enerbiz Prepaid module, the Condominium Manager may: |
- Create a price list;
- Associate a price list to a fraction or set of fractions or to an owner or group of owners;
- Register an owner or tenant and associate it with one or more fractions;
- Consult available credits by service and fraction;
- Create and change service cutting policies per fraction or set of fractions;
- Cut or restore the supply of a service for entity or series of fractions;
- Consult the available credits for service or fraction requested by the owner or tenant;
- Insert the acquisition of credits for service in fractions in exchange for cash at a price defined in the applicable pricing;
- Issue of duplicate sales receipt;
- Converter credit of one services in another at the price defined in the applicable pricing.

With the Enerbiz Prepaid module, the owner or tenant may: |
- Refer to your checking account per fraction and service;
- Ask for credit transfer from one service to another;
- Receive a "Receipt" after each load, which will serve as proof of delivery of the monetary value;
- Receive notifications by SMS or E-Mail when the available credits exceed the predefined limits;
- Detailed report with consumption per fraction.
